
Start watching on Jan 1st!

So this is one of many new years resolutions of sorts. I'm gonna try to be a little more active with my cameras. Well, the iphone really isn't a camera, okay, maybe it is. But this should be fun. Join me as I attempt to take a picture everyday with my iphone and send the pics to this blog. Feel free to comment, send me money to help pay my phone bill or whatever else you feel should be commented.

On Jan. 1st will be my first photo update. I probably won't post many text only posts along the way unless something comes up. I probably will post a little text after each photo though. I'll try and come up with a way to just get email updates each day, if a person is into that. Much easier than trying to remember checking a link out each day, but I'd appreciate that as well!

Anyways, feel free to tell your friends about this if you're into it at all. Also, please post any requests/random ideas for photos. I'm sure after the first week or two I'll be running short on ideas, so your help is appreciated!

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